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Shark Bites - Sharkenstein

Sharkenstein is a Polonia brothers movie that is under eighty minutes and features a green-screened shark eating people. It's pretty much the quality I expected it to be. Low budget backyard filming fare that entertains on the lower base level of humor and doesn't really care if you like it or not. Although the last half of the film is pretty damn entertaining.

Sharkenstein is about a Nazi experiment that continues to this day, where they use the not fictional brain and heart of the Frankenstein monster to recreate it as a killer monster shark. After the Nazi filled intro, most of the first half of the movie consists of meeting the three teens in their thirties, and how they are going boating for reasons of boating. When the boat fails, and they make it too the island of an evil new age nazi scientist, that is when the movie really gets going. The "teens" are forced to help create Shakrenstein only to have him escape and start hunting down any human in range. That is until he mutates into a hilarious super muscly street shark-like creature. It's here that the movie hits its highest point.

Still, for such a short run time, the movie stops to talk about other horror movies a bit too much. In fact, Sharkenstein stops to talk about itself a bit too much as well. See, the use of exposition is important to the plot as when even the smallest thing happens, the main character always seems the need to explain why. For example, when the shark smashes into the Nazi's base, she explains in detail how he must have knocked the support beams over. When the angry mob grabs torches and pitchforks to kill the monster, she explains that it's just like the mob in the Frankenstein story. They also spend a lot of time explaining in detail about other Frankenstein films made by Hammer and Universal. Like the people watching this movie won't have any idea about the nods to the old films, so let's spell it out for them. It feels less of a loving homage to a monster, and more of a flex about monster movie knowledge.

I want to recommend this more, but have a feeling a lot of people won't be able to get past the first thirty minutes, and I can't blame them for that. I do think that if the bad movie buffs can wait until the second half of the film, they will get a lot of laughs out of the super buff shark monster. So, think of this as a half and half recommendation.

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