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31 Days of Halloween Presents - The Halloween Double Feature: Hell House LLC 1&2

It's finally here! The day we have been building up to. Halloween, All Hallows Eve, All Souls Day, However you say it, it's here. As with every other 31 Days, we watch a horror double header on this night. I can't think of a better way to pass the time as the little ghosts and monsters roam the land being treated or playing tricks. I am sure a lot of people are going to snuggle up with a vial of blood get the disembodied zombie hand to put in Halloween so they can watch Mike Myers get his slasher on, then of course Love Guru it up. But, here at Das Bobs World we have already exhausted that classic in the first year. So, as per rules of the 31 Days, we watch two new films every year. No re-watches! This year we watch...

Hell House LLC, and Hell House LLC 2: Electric Boogaloo...I mean, The Abaddon Hotel!

Hell House LLC is about the hazards of being a documentary crew in a horror movie. You see, five years after an accident caused the death of 15 people during the opening of a haunted house, aptly named Hell House. A documentary crew heads inside in an attempt to learn what happened on the fateful night.

To be honest if you are in a crew making a documentary like this, remember only the Scooby-Doo gang survives this type of film. So, you might want to think twice before walking willy-nilly into a haunted house/asylum/hospital/bus stop/Hobby Lobby. I'm looking at you Grave Encounters, and Grave Encounters 2...well and pretty much every other faux documentary found footage film.

Think I wouldn't post both trailers and sandwich them between the hilariously fun and endearing writing of an unstable person??? Well, you're wrong. You see the Halloween double header is for me, one of the best traditions for this night. Sure, parties, costumes, drinking, blah blah blah. Halloween has evolved into the one time of year that people who are the most critical of horror, as an art form, can enjoy it. Although they might prefer to enjoy those one or two "Smart" horror movies that the unwashed masses may not understand. That's fine, the more horror watched the better. Here at Das Bobs World we respect all horror genres, although Found Footage is a hard one to keep loving some times.

Not saying that these films are of one similar plot, but Hell House LLC 2: The Abaddon Hotel...that is way too long. HHLLC2:TAH...nope still too long. Hell House 2 takes place eight years after the original tragedy, three years after the second tragedy and about sixty minutes before the next tragedy.

We now follow an investigative journalist who is following up on the documentary crew, who followed up on the first tragedy....okay, you get it. It's a sequel. Footage is found, people run, people die and Hell House explodes! (I haven't seen this one, just figured I'd build some excitement.) I don't know,maybe it'll explode with excitement.

Now remember these are the last movies we watch this year, but this isn't the end of the 6th Annual, 31 Days of Halloween. We still have the Silver Schiesse award to give away, and of course the two runner-ups as well. Some movies strive for complete crap and just run that bit shy. This also makes it the last night for you to be able to join the site and vote for your favorite to win/lose. So far the running sees such dynamite films like Frankenpimp, Winchester, Killer Eye 2, and Oh My Ghost vying for the coveted award. Who will win the magical silver turd on a stick? You'll have to stay tuned to find out.

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