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31 Days of Halloween Highlights - Child's Play (2019)

Last year, when I could afford to pay for the site, I got overly excited during the Halloween season and posted about every movie I watched for my 31 Days of Halloween. This year for the 7th Annual version of the 31 Days, I gave myself the month off for reviewing the 31 movies I watch at my own pace. This meant less content here in October, but more content in November!!!! Lucky you. So, I am going to highlight some of the fun and terrible movies I watched this year with some mini-reviews, leading up to the Silver Scheisse award winners. Starting with...

Child's Play (2019)

As much as I enjoyed this remake of a horror classic, I can't help but ask the question I am sure a whole bunch of people asked before myself. Wouldn't this have been a better film without the Child's Play brand attached to it?

I ask that because this remake does a pretty good job taking the story in a different way, all the while staying inside the Child's Play bubble it has made for itself. This is not a bad thing, but it seems to have created a solid horror that stays average at best. This could just be the fickle jaded horror fan in me, but seeing this same movie with a different doll or stuffed toy with an evil AI, but leaving the basic new story the same would have felt like a fun homage. One that works well, because it does a lot of things well. The cast is great, even the younger actors do a fantastic job, Hamill is fantastic as the voice of Chucky, although the doll's look is a bit too offputting from the get-go to be super believable, that's just a nitpick though. Even the updated story works for the most part. Yet, with taking that moniker, it's hard not to think of the original when watching this. So, thinking that way and still enjoying this film as a mid-range reboot says something for the quality.

In the end, I say it is worth watching, it's mostly fun with some issues, but also some pretty creepy kills. I still prefer the original, but this has a ton going for it.

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