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31 Days of Halloween: Day Two - Blood Hook

After a pretty dull day one feature in Winchester, we happily move on to day two. Tonight's feature. 1986's Blood Hook. Directed by MST3K alum Jim Mallon, well before his time on the show, Blood Hook is a horror comedy about fishing, killing, and more fishing.


Das Bobs Fishing and Wildlife Tips #3.45

Remember that fish are untrustworthy. They live in lakes, rivers and oceans. All places that we, as humans, cannot. They are dangerous foes worth preparing for. Try fishing for them at your local supermarket, where they are at their most docile.

Work Smarter, not Harder.


Plot wise for those so inclined - Peter (assumed main character) inherits his grandpappy's lake house after he disappears. So, in obvious mourning Peter brings his friends up to the lake house to partake in "Muskie Madness" the towns annual fishing tournament. Little does Peter know that Muskie Madness is the fish version of mad cow disease and he and his friends have walked into a mad fish zombie nightmare. Honestly, this isn't really the plot but I kind of got out of hand when I was writing it. Blood Hook is a comedic slasher about giants hooks, and a killer fisherman. I guess I should have lead with that but hey, you're here now so let's move on.


Das Bobs Beyond Untrue History Facts #3

Did you know that before dogs were mans best friend, we were actually friends with fish. Little talked about untrue facts show that the Muskie was the original Husky. That is until a lot of our ancestors drowned trying to hang out with their fishy friends. Then we ate them for not telling us about not being able to breathe water. All I am saying is you can't trust a fish.


This being day two I would be remiss not to put a reminder about this years Silver Schiesse award. This award is given out every year for the worst movie I have watched in this October's watch-a-thon. I may even put it out to vote if enough people are interested....or not. Honestly, Winchester was pretty bad so it's a good start for award season. So, sit down, and get hooked as tonight's Das Bob feature is Blood Hook!

Again as a side, Blood Hook will be enjoyed on The Vinegar Syndrome blu-ray release.

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