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31 Days of Halloween: Day Four - Teddy Bomb

What would Das Bob's 31 Days of Halloween be without an entry from the home country, Canada. You'd be surprised what us canucks bring to the horror movie table. Movies like Ginger Snaps, Rabid, Black Christmas just to name a few. So, with October fourth being such a Canadian day (Fact Check Susan!) I figured what better day then to show Justin Decloux's Teddy Bomb.


Das Bobs Crazy True Canadian Facts - Untrue Edition

Canada is broken up into three sections. Toronto, Vancouver, and Everything else. When crossing between sections the only I'd you need to have is a gravy covered bowl of poutine to show your citizenship. This counts as my one Canadian cliche joke.


So, who is Justin Decloux?

This could very well be the question on your mind right now. The answer being, if you don't already know, then I guess you're already missing out. He's Canadian, as far as I know. There are you happy? Making me put in real facts.

Teddy Bomb is about a man, his best friend, his lady friend, and a teddy bear strapped with explosives making his life hell. It's an action horrorish film, making it perfect for the 31 Days. It also has a deep inner meaning about the destruction of ones childhood through the exploding bear. An under the surface psychological look at why it is so hard to grow up in urban Canada, and why snow is white, and also why snow is sometimes yellow, or ice.......

This is Unbearable

I am sure I probably could have added more Bears puns in this, but that is the kind of class you get from Das Bob. On a side note if you are interested in seeing more of Mr. Decloux's work. You can find him, his films, and his podcasts at While there check out The Important Cinema Club to get you movie nerd on, and join his patreon so he can eat better poutine. You don't have to do any of this, but if you do, I promise culture! Feel free to join up on this site too...but you must have already done that....right?


Das Bob's Actually True Facts about Food #12

Did you know that poutine (fries, with gravy and cheese curds on it) is actually a slang term from Quebec meaning "a mess." Man, I could have really went to the bottom of the barrel with the jokes here....must be getting old. Susan! Fetch me my bottle of youth enhancers...and make a poop joke!


For those keeping score this will be watched on Blu-ray!

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