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31 Days of Halloween: Day Five - Nude Per L'Assassino

31 Days of Halloween is back for Day Five. Maybe I should call it night five in a sexy creepy dubbed voice, as tonight we watch Nude Per L'Assassino or as my Blue Underground DVD calls it "Strip Nude For Your Killer." Put the kids away for this one folks, as this may be the nudiest of nudes movie I have watched in the six years of doing the 31 Days. That being said, if you are into nudity circa 1975, then have I got a movie to tell you about! Susan, get me my good pair of black gloves and sense of entitlement, we've got a Giallo to talk about!


Das Bob's Surprisingly True Facts #1

Giallo is the term used to describe an Italian movie or book in the crime fiction genre. It means "Yellow" and is named that way after the color of early mystery paperbacks. Some ways to tell if you are watching a Giallo film are the black gloved killer, the funky or creepy music scores, lots of nudity, and stylized murders.


When the review on the DVD cover reads "Ultra Trashy Fun" you know you are in for some sort of ride. Maybe not the one you're looking for though.

The plot is a bit harsh, as Strip Nude For Your Killer is about the aftermath of a supermodel who dies during an abortion. All the members of her clique are then one by one stalked and murdered by a leather clad motorcycle helmet wearing killer. As the corpses pile up, will a sleazy photographer and his sexy and mostly nude lighting operator find who the killer is, or are they the next victims?

With the black leather, the dismemberment, the amateur detectives, and most of all, the copious amounts of nudity. This looks like it is going to be a one of a kind giallo experience for the 31 Days.

One of the few SFW screenshots

As we move into the fifth day of the sixth annual 31 Days of Halloween. Just a reminder that I do take requests, as long as it's a film I haven't watched in one of the previous years. Also feel free to join the site, or subscribe to the mailing list to get the Bobble Blast every Friday with news, reviews, and everything you may have missed from the week before. You don't want to miss out on those sweet, sweet bedeviled eggs.


Das Bob's Terrible Advice #431,176

Other occupations that you can strip nude for include but aren't limited to, Bakers, hairdressers, flight attendants, bouncers, bankers, psychics, fresh water fish, flightless birds, and according to pictures on instagram, everybody else. Well, as long as you're pretending to be a character from an anime. Get the camera Susan, we are going to the Bank!


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